Nii Quaynor

Nii Quaynor is much to his name, including being:

– A founding chairman of AfriNIC – the African internet numbers registry.
– A member of h United Nations Secretary Gneral Advisory Group on ICT
– Chair of the OAU Internet Task Force
– President of the Internet Society of Ghana
– The first African elected on the board of the internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number (ICANN), serving as an at-large director for the African Region from 2000-2003.

This is not the first time Nii Quaynor has been recognised. In 2007, The Internet Society awarded him the Jonathan B. Postel Service Award for his pioneering work in advancing the Internet in Africa.

Uncle Nii Quaynor Ayekoooooooo

By Naa Adjeley Tsofanye